With so many dog products on the market, you may wonder what is essential and what you can do without.
Do dogs really need their very own shampoo?
Why can’t you just use human shampoo on your dog?
The short answer is you should not use human shampoo. To help you with this the Klippers Team have itemised reasons below why dogs should have their own shampoo.
Acidity and Alkalinity | Balancing pH for your Furriend
Dog skin and human skin have very different pH balances.
Skin has a thin layer called the acid mantle, which protects the topmost layer of skin called the stratum corneum from contaminants such as viruses and bacteria. It also keeps the body hydrated by absorbing water and reducing evaporation.
When we bathe, the acid mantle is washed away. To counter this, most soaps and shampoos have ingredients that moisturise and protect skin until the acid mantle renews itself. In order for the acid mantle to do its job, the proper balance of acidity and alkalinity is crucial. This is called the pH balance.
Human skin has a normal pH balance of 5.5 - 5.6, which is on the acidic side.
Dogs, on the other hand, have a normal pH balance of 6.2-7.4 which is more neutral.
Using human shampoo on dogs disrupts the acid mantle, leaving your dog vulnerable to parasites, viruses, and bacteria. It also makes their skin feel dry and flaky, which can lead to repeated scratching and abrasions. This makes it easy for bacteria to invade.
Who Has More Sensitive Skin?
You furriends skin is actually more sensitive than ours. We have 10 - 15 layers of skin cells, while canines have only 3-5. Shampoo with the wrong pH balance and/or harsh chemicals can irritate a dogs skin and strip away the protective oils from their coat and skin.
So, without that crucial acid mantle, your furriends skin is left open to a host of unpleasant and possibly dangerous conditions, ranging from dry flay skin, rashes, and itching to infections.
What if I really need to use Human Shampoo on my Furriend?
So its a public holiday, the shops are shut and your dog has just rolled in something disgusting, smelly and unbearable to which you realise you have no dog shampoo at home.
Can you, in this case, bathe your dog with human shampoo? The short answer is yes. Acidity, or pH balance, varies among dog breeds and your dog may have more acidic skin than other dogs. Frequency of use also affects reactions. Therefore, if this is a once-in-a-blue-moon thing, your dog will likely be perfectly fine.
It should be noted that quality human shampoos can be made from gentle, natural ingredients. If your own shampoo includes ingredients such as tea tree oil, aloe vera, or natural colloidal oatmeal, it’s less likely to do damage to your dog’s skin than a shampoo filled with other chemicals.
The best plan of all is to call Klippers in the first instance but also stock your preferred dog shampoo the same way you do other household staples. That way, you’ll never be tempted to substitute your human formula for the dog shampoo.
One important last note: apart from the choice of shampoo, the most important part of the bathing process is the rinse. It should take much longer to rinse your dog than to lather them up. A thorough rinse will help to remove all traces of shampoo and keep your dog’s skin clear and clean.
The Other option is to give our team @ Klippers a call and we would love to come and take care of your furriend.